Living with their peers is not easy for those young people who do not follow fashion, who do not like homologous to the other, trying to keep themselves even if they still do not know who I really am. "I just eighteen. How do I know what I want in life? How do I know what I need? .
Living with parents is sometimes disorienting when they show even the most immature of their children and do not like their take on too much responsibility. Parents who can not communicate with their child and send him to a psychologist because they do not prefersicono see him happy "in a way that gives us thought" . Parents who do not want to have their concerns because they have already and do not have the time or space in their mind to another, while claiming to love their children.
James the hero of the book by Peter Cameron, Someday this pain will be useful is a guy who seems partridge in the eyes of others only because their peers do not like: they can not talk about anything, they are boring and when you are together "seem happy to fart and make reeds together, for nothing bothered by the fact that he has never for a moment to themselves. " James is a guy who, however, in people able to grasp the nuances and appreciate the small gestures: "The strange thing is that I am an asocial, but when he came into contact with a stranger - even if it is just a smile or a sign with his hand (...) - it seems to me that after we can not leave each in his own way as if nothing had happened ".
In short, look for and what is not is a real relationship does not show off what the groups with whom it is too often in contact. For this speaks more willingly with his dog, Mirco, believed that the human and the gardens are on the bench beside him to observe others with condescension dogs. "Miro always understand when I'm sad. He placed a paw on his knee and he yelped plan. Maybe he wanted to tell me that he wanted to go in, eat a cookie, and go to sleep, but there was a tenderness in the gesture that I comforted ".
Jasper eventually acconteta mother and father that, while separate, have joined forces on this: even if he decides to go reluctantly by the specialist. But the aseptic language of the psychoanalyst, and his insistent questions for him senseless, not help him, not what they need. "I thought a race to see who was first to jump to those nerves. I felt very therapeutic, but I have it all set to win" . And is frank with you, " I think that psychoanalysis is a co ncetto misleading view of capitalist societies, whereby their lives basking in the analysis of replacing the very act of living it."
E 'illuminating what it says about the great psychiatrist Jaspers that psychology can "explain" anything but "understanding" is not a question of psychology but it is a human disposition that everyone can and should have. James does not expect to explain what it is or what, but accept it for what it is: he does not want change, he wants to find his way.
The author says in an interview with respect to psychotherapy states: " I had experience of both psychotherapy and an analysis , f ondamentalmente have proved positive and productive, they are grateful for the fact that the route has had on me and my life. But while it is under way, psychotherapy can seem very frustrating and at times ridiculous. And since James is resistant to the idea of \u200b\u200btherapy, it made sense to me that focusing only on all that it seems absurd. However, I hope that the reader grasps that despite his reticence, conversations with Dr. Adler's are useful and help him to gain new awareness. "
E 'illuminating what it says about the great psychiatrist Jaspers that psychology can "explain" anything but "understanding" is not a question of psychology but it is a human disposition that everyone can and should have. James does not expect to explain what it is or what, but accept it for what it is: he does not want change, he wants to find his way.
The author says in an interview with respect to psychotherapy states: " I had experience of both psychotherapy and an analysis , f ondamentalmente have proved positive and productive, they are grateful for the fact that the route has had on me and my life. But while it is under way, psychotherapy can seem very frustrating and at times ridiculous. And since James is resistant to the idea of \u200b\u200btherapy, it made sense to me that focusing only on all that it seems absurd. However, I hope that the reader grasps that despite his reticence, conversations with Dr. Adler's are useful and help him to gain new awareness. "
The discomfort comes from James existential vacuum of values \u200b\u200bthat perceives around him, This does not agree to become part of a world that considers surface, made up of busy people and selfish, chasing a happiness that does not exist and ignores the problems of those who do not want to watch. into the office of his father he thinks "I do not think I could work in an environment like that. I know that in this world we are not all equal, but I can not stand places that emphasize ".
It 'difficult for James to communicate, but how he's wrong when he says: "The thoughts are more real when they are designed, to express them distorts, dilutes them, the best thing is that they remain in the hangar darkness of the mind, in its climate controlled, because the air and the light posono altered as a film exposed accidentally ". Because the capacity is lacking to those who often surrounds us and is listening without listening there is no dialogue, the real one not one that immediately puts in our prejudices and our way of seeing reality.
This ability is typical of James's grandmother who knows just sit and listen, who knows does not ask many questions, ma che ha sempre dare le risposte giuste al momento giusto.
James non vuole andare all'università, "posso imparare tutto quello che voglio - afferma - leggendo i libri che mi interessano" , ne parla alla nonna e gli chiede consiglio.
Quando il nipote finisce di parlare, la nonna "ha poggiato la spugnetta e si è asciugata le mani, poi si è voltata a guardarmi. Era uno sguardo duro. Mi sembrava di averla delusa, di aver tradito le sue aspettative. (...) Ha riappeso lo strofinaccio e ha detto: "Una volta tanto non pensiamo al futuro... è deprimente. E' quasi ora di pranzo, invece. Ti va una bella insalata russa" . Al momento giusto, quando his grandson will be ready, it will be the grandmother who will be able to give the right advice to watch the world with more confidence and hope. Why another attitude that we lost in front of a problem is the ability to wait and help young people see the world with more optimism and serenity.
A book that of Cameron mild, smooth, humorous and light but never superficial. of this book is making a film Roberto Faenza.
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