Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Necked Bollywood Women

Canadian Red velvet cake: red velvet for dessert

When a cake is not only good ..... but its pretty good! Oh ... could be a fantastic idea for Halloween ... (Svolazzaremo us somewhere with our brooms !!!!) ..... hihihihihihiih

Ingredients for the cake
2 cups and 1 / 2 of flour 2 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa

half cup butter, softened 1 cup and 1 / 2
sugar 2 eggs 1 cup
plain yogurt sweetened

1 teaspoon of vanilla extract 1 teaspoon baking powder tea (or a packet of baking powder) 1 pinch of salt

tea 1 teaspoon baking soda 1 teaspoon
white vinegar 2 teaspoons red food coloring powder ( or two vials)

for cream
250 grams of Philadelphia

4 tablespoons sugar 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract Preparation

Beat eggs with sugar, add the softened butter and yogurt. Apart from mixing the dry ingredients (flour, baking powder, vanilla, salt) and merge them with those previously worked. In a separate bowl, put the dye, cocoa and a tablespoon of water and mix fino ad ottenere un composto liscio ed omogeneo da aggiungere all'impasto principale. Ed infine il tocco finale: in un bicchiere emulsionare il bicarbonato e l'aceto e unirlo all'impasto ..... mischiando facendo attenzione a che sia ben assorbito. Versare in una teglia imburrata e infarinata, cuocere per 35 minuti a 180°.

Sfornare e guarnire la torta da fredda con la crema di formaggio ottenuta mischiando con la forchetta (evitare il frullino) la philadelphia, la vanillina e lo zucchero semolato precedentemente frullato (quindi fine ma non troppo, perchè se usiamo lo zucchero a velo la crema diventa troppo liquida).

* Ricetta americana


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