Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Pink And Black Short Poofy Dresses

Winfrid Georg Sebald Austerlitz

Winfrid Georg Sebald è nato nel 1944, ha lasciato la Germania a venticinque anni non potendo più tollerare quel silenzio con il quale la generazione dei padri continuava a nascondere i crimini e le sofferenze provocate dal nazismo e da una guerra devastante, incapaci di confrontarsi con un passato.
Emigra quindi in Inghilterra, dove insegna letteratura tedesca fino alla morte, avvenuta nel dicembre 2001. Aver lasciato, però, la sua terra natia non ha voluto per lui dire dimenticare, voltar pagina, ma al contrario ripercorrere vicende che hanno lasciato segni e ferite indelebile in chi le ha vissute.
Le tragedie del ‘900, soprattutto quelle tedesche, vengono riviste con gli occhi di chi le ha subite o di chi ne è scampato, come in alcuni racconti degli Emigrati oppure, come nel caso di Jacques Austerlitz, di chi cerca di ricomporre la propria identità ricostruendo la storia della propria origine, ma che continuamente si scontra con la difficoltà della memoria di mantenere in vita ciò che invece va dissolvendosi nella dimenticanza.
Persino adesso che sto cercando di ricordare – dice Austerlitz – (..) l ’oscurità non si dirada, anzi si fa più thick at the thought of how little we can hold, how many things fall into oblivion with every life constantly erased, how the world is empty, so to speak alone, since the stories related to countless places and objects in themselves unable to remember, are not heard, told or recorded by any other ... "
Sebald is not jew but also talks about the victims of Nazism describing is not telling all the atrocities they suffered in the camps, since the consequences, especially psychological that over time rather than relieve become more acute (and I'm thinking to our Primo Levi): Sebald's characters, in fact, subject to the power of a "Inexorable memory." Memory is, for this writer, a faculty always problematic, necessary and painful at the same time, because while it encourages the construction of his identity, but it can endanger his mental balance.
Ripped parents during the Nazi invasion of Czechoslovakia and sent to England along with other children, Austerlitz struggling to reconcile his story after years of total darkness. And the past comes together slowly harrowing and relentless. The individual course of Austerlitz Sebald becomes the occasion for a reflection on history, the nature of time, sull'evanescenza and permanence of the past, the incomplete knowledge.
In his monologues in the presence of the narrator, Austerlitz recounts his life, beginning with childhood spent in Wales in the house of the preacher Elias. In the college where he goes to study it is revealed his real name - until then had thought to call Dafydd Elias, but can not find any indication of his real family. Only forty years later, in 1998, manages to find his nurse in Prague, which tells the story of his family, before the arrival of German troops as he was loaded on a train to England, as the father was able to flee to Paris and his mother was instead deported to Theresienstadt, being Jewish.
But the child will be forever marked. Will study or travel as he wishes, but will always shoulder the weight of an immense loneliness.
And when riaffiorerà the memory of when he was forced to abandon his family to escape from certain death, will be a very painful
"I just remember that, when they saw the child sitting on the bench I became aware of anxiety with deaf, deaf to the devastation, the devastation that had resulted in the abandonment of my long years, and a terrible weariness came over me at the thought of never having been really alive or just coming into the world, so to say, the day of death. "
The returns back to the past memories but at the same time does not heal that sense of disorientation that accompanied him all his life. One of the passages more intense, Austerlitz says: "For traced back as far as I thought, I have always felt like no place in reality, as if they existed at all" .
The research of the past will become obsessive, relentless. Visit museums, research libraries is to find all available documents on the war. Carefully study each photo, each card is available. Then he left for Paris and continues to investigate for news of his father fled there, and probably deported there.
This book as Sebald's other books is full of photographs, as if the images are essential to support the words. We know that eventually everything will be useless, nothing will remain of the past, the truth, as well as of human destiny, only a few fragments. So reminded of the mighty fortresses described in the first part of the novel, much like white elephants.
What Sebald is a novel, whose keynote is aching melancholy and pessimism.
course should help us reflect on how historical events are in full symbiosis with the individual's life. The historical event passes, but the pain that caused it remains indelible in people's lives with which everyone will have to face forever.
Austerlitz's story made me think as individuals we have responsibilities as well as strong. If we can do little to divert the course of history, something we always do in our microcosm, even in times as devastating as the Nazis. I came to think that if Austerlitz had found another family to receive more emotionally valid even his life may have been different. Austerlitz is unable to understand what had led, in fact, the Elias family to take care of a four and a half years, what was he, but it's a supposition. " without children as they were, perhaps hoping to be able to counter the petrify their feelings." His life with them will be a hell lot worse and the separation that had been so traumatic and devastating.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

How To Make Flour Baby

Never say night Amos Oz

In the beautiful novel by Amos Oz "Never say night" , the action takes place in the microcosm of a small town in the Negev desert where everyone knows everyone and knows everything about everyone.
It 's a human comedy whose protagonists are a man and a woman. The wife is middle-aged piena di vitalità e con una gran voglia di uscire dalla monotonia della quotidianità. Lui, più vecchio, alla ricerca del silenzio, della pace, della solitudine: “Guarda il giorno che muore e aspetta: chissà che cosa promette l’ultima luce.(…) Ormai ha fatto quel che poteva fare, d’ora in poi aspetterà”.. .
Il libro è raccontato a due voci: in un capitolo è Noa che parla e nell’altro Theo. ciò che caraterizza il romanzo non è né il dialogo né il monologo interiore, ma quel dialogo particolare che Amos Oz definisce “dialogo interiore”.
Tutti noi facciamo use of internal dialogue, that is, we talk with each other like this, we explain our reasons, we sentimao convincing, because no one interrupts us and we can say what we say. Let's talk about ourselves and we justify ourselves for what we have or have not done. Everything, in short, if the dialogue takes place within us seems to spin, to be convincing. "Work" we say "I'll tell you so, she ripsonderà e. ..". But everything changes when they met, and often the dialogue we had imagined it in transforming conflict. The other stops us before we can finish the thought, get irritated, we do not feel listened to and end, instead of clarify, we argue and we close the tower of our reason.
dialogue, the real one, maybe it works in reality in, if instead of constantly interrupt us, learn to listen, to make silence inside of us to hear the reasoning of others. Yes, it would be possible, it is possible. But you have to know art, "says Amos Oz, to know how to compromise. "compromises have - the writer says - to stay alive. The young people think that a trade is opportunistic and dishonest. But in my vocabulary compromise is synonymous with life, where there is life there is compromise. L 'opposite of compromise is not integrity and honesty, but is fanaticism and death. The compromise for me is a philosophy, a way of life. " "Compromise is to try to meet each other halfway."
And if you question more deeply, understand Theo Noa Noa and Theo understands, even if they do not know or fail to saying it. "If only I had known him understand - think Noa - what is troubling for me about his excessive" , and he realizes that "The only way to help, you do not try to help her. Only become smaller. "
Amos Oz makes us understand that sometimes it is essential in a relationship, learning to fare un passo indietro, a capire cosa l’altro vuole davvero da noi, a rispettare la sua diversità, il suo spazio e anche i suoi sbagli. Theo sembra capirlo e dice a se stesso: "Così corre avanti e indietro da una parete all'altra sbattendo le ali, inciampa nella lampada, contro il soffitto, sbatte contro i mobili, si fa male. Invece di condurla fuori verso la libertà se non stai attento finirai per farla volare verso locali ancora più interni. Ogni tuo movimento non fa che aumentare la sua paura" .
Amare vuol dire, quindi, rinunciare a far prevalere i nostri punti di vista, le nostre rivendicazioni, ad imporle. E' importante saper stare vicino senza essere invadenti, imparare to give each other the force because then everyone can deal with its own power and their ways of life's difficulties.
"In the meantime tonight - says Noa - I make him turn off the radio because I go to London to take a shower and then went back to him in the dark" . And that says Amos Oz "is not an intimidating dark, the darkness is where you make love" .

As always, Amos Oz knows going into deeper psychological mechanisms that intersect and intertwine in the human soul, can tell the real life in its nuances and contradictions. He speaks to us a microcosm of a small situation, but at the same time shows us a path in public life.
The ability to make compromises, "says Amos Oz in fact, should regulate the most intimate relations, but also political ones, for example in the conflict between Jews and Palestinians it regards as emphasized in an interview:" In the vocabulary of peace the words peace-love-compassion are synonymous. No, peace is peace and not necessarily love. I do not agree with the slogan "Make love, not war." If I am faced with a Palestinian, I I would say, "Do not love and peace." No need for love be at peace, there is no need of enemies you love, forget and forgive that. It must stop killing and dying to live, even if through gritted teeth. When I talk of compromise, I do not speak of enemies embrace. Between Israelis and Palestinians, but also between men and women, I expect a grudging coexistence ".

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

How Long Does It Take To Get Over Strep Throat

"The days of love and war" Tahmima Anam

Bangladesh is a country plagued by environmental disasters, is a marshy land subject to flooding inhabited by a people condemned to eternal precariousness of life. From 1947 onwards, this little strip of land has been fought between India and Pakistan, then was annexed to Pakistan in the name of brotherhood religious.

East Pakistan, as it was then, and regain their independence will be recognized as a sovereign state in 1971: a year that gold, as the book title Tahmima Anam English, translated into Italian "The days of love and war" a year are being told by the writer through the story of Rehana and her children, Sohail and Maya.
Rehana is a young woman, widowed with two children still small. On the death of her husband will take their custody because they are too poor and thus unable to maintain them. Sohail and Maya will live for a year with the uncles who live far away from the mother this separation as a defeat, a searing pain that has no equal, an unbearable loss.
Rehana fight to get them back with him by all means, and gets its way.
Sohail and Maya, now college students commit themselves politically to support those who claimed the independence of their state and who was elected democratically by the people.
The mother looks worried about their enthusiasm and their anger, afraid of losing them again, but can not resist their choices even knowing the risks. And when the situation falls you understand the intentions of the child:
"You go too right? " asks already knowing the answer. He wants to stop him, but gives in, you can not object to the love that the child "whatever it was had for Bengali: the mud of the Delta, semi-transparent and full of fish bones of the river, the green of rice paddies and the boundless blue , piercing the sky above the flat earth ".

And she herself was aware of what his decision was right " what was the country divided in two halves located on opposite ends of India like a pair of horns. Without even the language to unite the West Pakistan and East Pakistan-Urdu and Bengali in the east to the west. "
Sohail, Sohail her sweet, come in, then join the resistance that is being organized, even the army joined the rebels and some areas of Bangladesh becoming a real theater of war and ruthless reprisals.
And the story unfolds around these events, the dramatic days of the war, are told that hand, from the perspective of women. Rehana will leave more and more involved: hide weapons and men in his garden at his home, heal the wounded, and will be forced to lie to his own friends.
The war is seen through the eyes of this particular mother, a woman sensitive, which is able to get involved, to change herself, which may be of help to children, respecting their will. But they will learn a lot and follow them it will mean even change itself, its own way of seeing and looking at reality.
The novel recounts the nine months that will lead to the creation of a state. Nine months from March to December 1971 to affirm the independence of Bangladesh, the small states bordering the Bay of Bengal, and after the partition, he was absurdly tied to Pakistan.
The small private story of a mother and her children unfolds and intertwines with the great history of Bangladesh.
While the Pakistani army
sowing death in the streets of Dhaka, brutalized prisoners, forces the Hindu population to forced emigration. Rehana silence protects the movement of children, cooking has always relentlessly as women do, but also takes care of a wounded soldier passed to the strength and the courage to say to struggle to pull her husband out of jail the girl loved by Sohail.
And she eventually falls in love, with Bangladesh became independent and not face life with courage and determination.
is a man who falls in love with a gift for her invaluable posiede: "To speak and understand a little more"
A great character, Rehana to its simplicity. A woman full of feelings and nuances that knows how to be questioned by life, knows how to change, knowing the risks they run.

Anam, writer, was born and lived in Bangladesh up to two years, in return for the holidays almost every year, but had nomadic education. He spent his life in various parts of the world, Paris, New York, Bangkok, following his father's diplomatic studied in America, attending creative writing courses in London, where he lives, and (although in the family speak Bengali) writes in English.

"The war of independence from Pakistan in 1971 marks the birth of Bangladesh, the country where I was born. - says the writer - In the house of Dhanmondi Road 4, where I lived the first years of my life, many have found refuge resistance fighters. My parents - along with many other friends and relatives - have also become involved and I grew up hearing their stories. And even though I was fascinated by many aspects of the war, particularly interested me as it had been for men and normal women who were trying to survive the experience. And so I tried to write a war story that was also a love story and a family saga. The people fought, yes, but they also had to cook their meals, fall in love, quarreling with her children, trying to keep the family together in difficult times ".

To write this book was inspired by his grandparents, but intervitato many people returning several times in his home country that remains particularly close.

"be surprised of the willingness of the people of my country to address this issue. I spent much time with them, I listened to their stories, I tried to understand how they could survive day after day. I met people who worked in the prison camps, people who have crossed the border and who fought for Pakistan. These people held in for so long the pain of war, without which no one tell, it was difficult to reconstruct that period, through these testimonies. The 1971 is the year that marked most of their memory, to the point that sometimes seems more real and tangible present. "
Few people know what he went through those people at that time and the writer wanted to a tribute to the people that time has died.

"People do not know that this conflict was a real massacre. But above all do not want this to be forgotten and not even want the people with whom I worked to put together the pieces of this novel. To me they were the real stars are their voices to be heard. "
Well, this book helped me to know a piece of history I knew little, and the story is the one that helps you understand what it's like a war for people's lives. Perhaps we should read more to open our horizons.
Above all, he learns to appreciate a woman who can fight in its fragility, it does for its children and eventually be able to say :
"I know what I did.
This war, which has taken so many other children, he saved mine. This age, which has burned so many other children, has not burned mine. I did not
permit "

Monday, September 20, 2010

Skyteam Derestriction

chocolate chip cookies, ginger and cinnamon toast with avocado and chimichurri

One day he wandered the seas for the network (it was hungry, so she always does ... . dieting and is satisfied with the eyes) and at one point fell in love with the look of these cookies ... "But" - he thought - "will be as good ???". No, we could not stay with this question .... must try .... obviously some small change, as cook for the event!
Desserts gogo ... we found these cookies on your own post, a great big thanks also from our friends who have appreciated ..... but taaaanto!

I Ingredients: 175 grams of dark chocolate

50 grams of milk chocolate

55 g butter 100 g sugar 2 eggs

210 gr flour 1 pinch salt 1
teaspoon baking powder (magical powder that sent us from America)

1 tablespoon cinnamon 1 tablespoon powdered sugar ginger

Procedure :
water bath melt the chocolate with the butter and allow to cool. Shake the sugar, eggs and add the ginger, cinnamon, and finally the chocolate with the butter prepared previously. We combine the flour, salt and yeast, the ingredients work to obtain a compound that will leave in the fridge for a couple of hours, go with the dough which will form small balls that go past the first sugar to be able to be placed on baking paper well away from each other! Bake for about 15 minutes at 170 degrees, bake and cool before you bite!


Saturday, September 18, 2010

Why Do I Keep Getting Thrush Every Month

One of those nights when he was in the Mari creativity ........


For the chimichurri

1 tablespoon chopped parsley 1 tablespoon chopped coriander 1 teaspoon oregano

1 tablespoon lemon juice 1 tablespoon white vinegar

2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
1 clove garlic salt and pepper

1 avocado
crusty bread or crostini

Procedure Prepare the sauce by placing all ingredients in a blender until you get a smooth sauce.

Apart peeled and cut avocado and topped with chimichurri. Serve on toast.

* Recipe argentina

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Denise Milani In Seattle

strudel: the more traditional recipe that you can not! Gazpacho

all started with a postcard that our friend Serena sent us from South Tyrol ... nooo not the usual landscape ...... print on glossy facade stands a good recipe, in a word Apfelstrudel! The thing that intrigued us is the mix of pasta, a thin paste, neutral, good for holding a fragrant stuffing. After some adjustments here and the recipe above is the result:


to browse

250 g 00 flour 1 egg

a pinch of salt 3 tablespoons olive oil 3
1 tablespoon sugar
teaspoon of vanilla extract water

for the filling 1 kg of apples and a half

70 gr raisins 50 gr pine nuts 3 teaspoons cinnamon

rind of half a lemon 150 g butter 150 g


First prepare the dough, the flour and knead vigorously the other ingredients, adding enough water until dough is elastic and not sticky. Form a ball and put it to rest for 30 minutes.

So, we have plenty of time to peel the apples, cut into thin slices and arrange in a large bowl where you can add sugar, raisins, pine nuts, cinnamon and lemon peel. Mix well until the ingredients are well blended.

Meanwhile in a frying pan, melt the butter will do, in which toast the bread crumbs. Ready

all "components" (it is very Mazinga z), roll out the dough, very thin (like a sheet of paper) and disponiamola on parchment paper brush the inside surface with some melted butter. We cover the two-thirds, and finally with the breadcrumbs with the rest of ripening. Folded well outside corners and end with the remaining side of the sheet, folding it gently to keep it from breaking. If there's a bit of pasta, make decorative strips or small rosebuds.

A touch of oil d'oliva sulla superficie prima di informare per 40 minuti a 200 gradi.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Letter Requesting Help For Housing


Un omaggio a Keith Haring: l'occasione ci è stata data dal contest lanciato da http://www.sorelleinpentola.com/2010/07/larte-in-cucina-contest.html

Detto fatto, stamattinna, la Mari si è messa al lavoro e io ehm, ho collaborato mangiando uno splendido gazpacho e facendo le fotine ... comoda la vita eh!!!! :-)

Ecco la ricetta :
4 pomodori maturi
2 peperoni (uno verde e uno giallo)
1 cetriolo
1 gambo di sedano
mezza cipolla bianca
mezzo spicchio d'aglio
2 cucchiai
sherry vinegar 3 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil 1 slice of bread

salt and pepper

Blanch tomatoes in boiling water, peel, remove seeds and cut coarsely. Wash the peppers, remove seeds and strands and cut into pieces. Wash, peel and slice the other vegetables, dip the bread in a little water and crumble. Blend all adding vinegar, oil, salt and pepper. If the compound proves to be a bit 'dry add a little' d'acuqa and continue blending. Pass the whole through a sieve, pour into a bowl and refrigerate. Serve cold, accompanied by croutons, cucumbers, peppers, celery, cut into cubes. The original preparation provides a very "agliosa and very spicy, here has been adapted in order to safeguard public relations (and therefore very little garlic) and the palate of Rita (nothing spicy!).

* Recipe English

With this recipe, cook for Case participate in the contest "Art in the Kitchen":