Tuesday, January 5, 2010

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New Year and thoughts

Here I am again here. I just write one word to clear the anxiety of the blank page. Another year of my life has just passed. I'm beginning to feel the inserobile time, I'm going to take 27 years, my son 10, my "weird" Report 3 and the same I used to get a piece of paper that give me back my freedom. In recent weeks I have deliberately avoided as much as I could, to reflect on or answer the classic questions di fine anno: "Allora...com'è stato questo 2009?" Oppure "Quali sono stati i momenti più belli/brutti?". Cazzo! Odio queste domande! A che servono? I momenti belli sono oramai passati e i brutti pure, rifletterci sopra non modificherà rendendo migliore il successivo anno. Suvvia! Pensa al tuo anno passato a tutto ciò che hai vissuto e poi mettilo in soffitta. Ciò nonostante ho fatto uno sforzo e da brava bambina ho tirato le mie somme, per arrivare alla conclusione che è semplicemente passato un altro anno. Ho festeggiato come si conviene, mangiando e bevendo come se non ci fosse un domani, prendendo come punizione qualche chilo, cosa che pensando ai miei sforzi passati per perdere peso mi ha fatto incazzare non poco. Ho augurato Tradition has it as a good year ... happy, fulfilling, wonderful, wonderful, full of surprises, joyful, intense ... bla bla bla. I blew up under the classic barrel rests, kissed my man and my son at the stroke of midnight, a toast with sparkling wine of dubious quality and then sink back into my cynical world. Why should you wait until the last week of December every damn year to reflect on the past and make resolutions for the new year to come? How many good intentions will eventually be forgotten, the promises and new ideas for good deeds will be removed even before the snow melts. Each year we commit the same error: goodness focus, initiative and desire to live the better in a few days and then forget everything. This time I did not make promises or find new ideas. This year comes and goes as the case may be. I give thanks for every gift, sorry for any mistake and will make it for errors. Just like every year. You can not make promises for a year only for a little reflection soon as you hear air Christmas & C. With only good intentions are not going anywhere ...
said that, putting aside my cynicism and bitter sense of life, I say: Welcome to 2010, let's see what'll make it good for myself and those around me this year!


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