you can 'do and we're doing closed the polls look abroad to Italy and the last 48 hours of campaigning. I would like to clarify one point: the election manifesto of the Democratic Party and its leader Walter Veltroni differs markedly from that of the chief exponent of deployment against us, that for reasons of typographical space and time I'll call "against the main."
I Partiti :
Il Partito Democratico (PD) nasce dall’unione dei DS e della Margherita più esponenti della società civile molti dei quali alla prima esperienza politica. Il processo di costituzione e’ durato anni culminando con le elezioni primarie del 14 ottobre 2007, dove 3 milioni e mezzo di elettori italiani hanno scelto Veltroni tra diversi candidati. Nel febbraio 2008 dopo mesi di discussioni i membri dell’assemblea costituente hanno approvato lo statuto, il manifesto dei valori e il codice etico del nuovo Partito.
Il Popolo della Libertà (PdL) e’ al contrario un cartello elettorale tra Alleanza Nazionale, Forza Italia e a myriad of micro-parties, including that of Ms. Mussolini, the new Round of the Christian Democrats, the Liberal Dini plus some questionable characters, first and Ciarrapico De Gregorio. The process of training and 'lasted the time of elections, but a night without an imposition of force in Italy on former allies. Fini Casini bowed his head and decided to leave, in fact moving in the right axis of the new pseudo-party. I remember that the primary against only two months earlier had called the House of Freedoms ectoplasm, and Fini replied that such a project could not be imposed from the running board of a Mercedes without any democratic debate. But anyhow '...
Coalitions :
The PD has had the courage to change the political landscape, although Forza Italy has agreed to amend the current electoral law. The novelty lies in the heart of the choice to go free, and without the radical left and national level for the umpteenth time and you 'proved unable to govern a modern country which should be Italy. It takes courage to leave the road for 8-9% of the vote just six weeks before the elections, but the great excitement that is accompanying Veltroni seems to pay off this choice. The only electoral alliance of PD and 'with Italy of Values \u200b\u200bin the now and provides prossimo parlamento un solo gruppo parlamentare, un solo programma e la sola leadership di Walter Veltroni. Di Pietro ha fama di essere persona coerente ed onesta.
Dall’altra parte oltre al già ricordato artifizio elettorale del PdL c’e’ una vera e propria alleanza con la Lega Nord (solo al nord) e con il Movimento per le Autonomie del siciliano Lombardo una sorta di lega sud (solo al sud). Entrambi saranno determinanti nelle rispettive regioni e quindi in parlamento. Come faranno a governare insieme due schieramenti che si battono e difendono interessi particolari opposti? Non credo che i suddisti vogliano la secessione territoriale, ne’ quella fiscale proclamata da Maroni e company, ne’ l’essere considerati alla same way as illegal immigrants or, it 'much less the catastrophic eruption of Mount Etna. And perhaps he wants Fini excerpt of the tricolor, or you rifles imbraccino against Roman scoundrels? But anyhow '...
leaders and programs :
Veltroni has 52 years,' a politician of experience that looks to the future with optimism and energy of a more modern and just Italy. E 'was Vice President and Minister of Culture in Prodi's first government and has a large bipartisan recognition as mayor of Rome. The capital had not seen such an economic and cultural development since the days of Ernesto Nathan. E 'considered All of the mayor, for the ability to combine political and personal interest divergent positions emphasizing always the best summary. He ran for the first time to lead the country thanks to this experience and the investiture of the popular primary. E 'convinced that the crisis will depend also on economic and social policy that has failed shouted deal with real problems. It 'time to put an end to the divisions and hatreds. E 'need to rediscover the unity of' national pride in being the country to overcome the real differences between North and South, between rich (few) and poor (many) and the anachronistic propaganda and between municipalities. In his program targets law on economic growth without which can be re-distributed or 'social equity. Boosting the economy by lowering taxes, encourage consumption, increasing the purchasing power of workers and promoting further liberalization in areas of its market monopoly. Reduce debt by cutting spending in a primary point of GDP per year. And then the fight against insecurity, tax evasion and pockets of waste produced by inefficient public policies or collusion by local mafia. In line with the economic policies of the outgoing government. The main adverse
71. It 'a politician and businessman of experience but' tired. After losing two times, is a candidate for the fifth to the Presidency of the Council. Done, I think, unique in the history of democracies is possible for a character and 'the father-master of his own party. Political alignment in which there was never any domestic opposition to its current 'no contradiction. As a businessman and is' separate and largely during the first experience in politics. Often self-interest prevailed over the common and respect for institutions. He had a chance to govern Italy for 7 years, including the last 5 consecutive with a huge majority, but this does not turn in his favor. I do not believe to be part of saying that only a handful of right-wing Italians also remember those years in a positive manner for the interest generale del Paese. Non sono stati anni di liberalizzazioni o di crescita economica che sono i capisaldi di tutte le politiche della destra nel resto d'Europa. Ma piuttosto di crescita della spesa pubblica e azzeramento dell’avanzo primario, cosa che ha fatto schizzare di nuovo il debito pubblico dopo il freno imposto dal precedente governo di centro-sinistra. E ricordo che l’11 settembre ha condizionato anche l’economia di Francia, Spagna e Germania che in quella stessa legislatura sono cresciute più del doppio dell’Italia. Piuttosto si ricordano le leggi ad personam, salva-previti e cirami su tutte. La guerra in Iraq e il servilismo verso Bush. E la delegittimazione delle istituzioni, magistratura e Presidenza delle Repubblica. Per non parlare horns made during a summit between heads of state, the kapo offense 'made to a German parliamentary €, prescribed processes, decriminalization of false accounting and the many amnesties and backed justifying tax evasion. The icing on the cake "bullshit" of the electoral law, with the majority of strokes and the sole purpose of not fully overcome the opponent. Care if the ungovernability then affects mainly on citizens.
abroad the difference between the two offers election seems so 'obvious. The future vision for the common good of the country, embodied also by way of being and the personality of the two leaders, and 'dichotomous. In these circumstances Veltroni is credible and inspires confidence. I wonder if 'no fault of their own community prestigious newspapers as The Economist, the Financial Times and the Wall Street Journal, describing the possible return of the principal against a mixture of anxiety and sarcasm, if not understood by his friends in Scotland when discussing the possibility 'that 40% of my fellow citizens votes for the fifth time a character so' chatted.
The voters of the center-left would say that the victory in the House and 'at hand. We have taken in recent days and we sorpassarli.
Agli elettori simpatizzanti ma ancora scettici vorrei dire che se il Partito Democratico ha prodotto un processo innovativo della classe politica molto c’e’ ancora da fare. Per non frenare questa spinta unica, rara e per questo rischiosa e’ necessario che la proposta elettorale venga capita e premiata da una netta affermazione.
Agli elettori che in passato hanno mal digerito Berlusconi, votandolo pur di non scegliere il centro-sinistra, vorrei dire che finalmente il PD incarna una forza riformista, credibile e di governo. Guidata da un leader tra i più capaci nella storia politica italiana, Walter Veltroni.