Always With Me, Always With You
When you're a person, when you love someone, there's always a song about love and often goes in search of a piece in his text that describes the relationship that is going through or maybe what I like even more, the piece arrives by surprise when they turn the channels or radio while watching some video here and there .. I saw my report in many songs, in their refrains and phrases of romantic love. But I think that the song that best describes what I feel is alive and just below this: Always With Me, Always With You, by Joe Satriani. It is not easy to hear a song without words in the text ... but I feel it. He began quietly, on tiptoe, then there is a growing and like every beautiful love story is also one of his torment but now back the sweetness, passion, and in the middle of the song is the ecstasy of joy, the desire to live intensely, fully every moment. I feel the shivers, feel the memories go. The song ends but leaves me in the idea that there is some sort of greeting, a talk about a future, there is the other that makes you feel that the song itself but does not come from your head that keeps ringing notes that speak of the love you have inside. Two years with a person enclosed in a little over three minutes of a song but in the end when you really love, everything that bears within it you life is about love. With the silence of the night, in my head notes are still dancing and I talk about him, that perhaps now is sleeping, maybe I think or dream of something nice. I close my eyes, I see, I love him, I smile.
Beautiful song ... perfect.
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