Wednesday, October 21, 2009

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because I choose Dario

I decided to vote Franceschini after reading the three motions, and after having listened to three speeches to the National Convention of 11 October.

Franceschini and is' quite distinct from Bersani and Marino. Paradoxically, the discourse of Bersani has highlighted the limits for all to aspire to leadership. He read constantly using a tone and a boring style typical of the first Republic. Anchored to a political jargon that you do not understand, old-fashioned compared to the dialectic request to a leader of a large party of twenty-first century. Franceschini and 'was the only one to speak of the three-arm firing up the audience with a direct attack on Berlusconi ad'Alema and above, who was in the audience, accused among other things that he had spent on these 2 anni esclusivamente per far cadere Veltroni e per indebolire tutto il partito.
I maggiori applausi sono andati a Franceschini sebbene il 60% dei delegati in sala fossero stati eletti con la mozione Bersani. In quel momento si e’ capito che Dario potrebbe veramente farcela a vincere le primarie tanto piu’ che la differenza tra gli iscritti di chi ha votato Bersani e Franceschini e’ di sole 85.000 unità. Se alle primarie votassero 2 milioni di persone la gerarchia sarebbe facilmente capovolta. Il dato positivo e’ che queste primarie sono primarie vere e 'sta volta non si chiamano “primarie” perché si sa già “prima” chi vince.
Bersani e’ un persona seria e preparata che potrà ricoprire an important role in the economic policies of the party but does not have the stature of the leader so 'as Marino did not have it. The charisma, at least one, there would D'Alema, who had but 'the courage to stand in and try on with the vote of citizens. Unwilling to give up his power and 'invented coverage Bersani.

So do not vote because Bersani and 'd'Alema, who controls it and because among its major supporters, which will bring many votes ceremonial but who will respond, are the architects of real disaster: for Bassolino governor of Campania and Calabria Lorier. Franceschini wants to renew the ruling class and the sponsors are more Fassino and Deborah Serracchiani. Bersani
not vote because he has repeatedly said he will return to elect the secretary to members only. In fact, among the devices of the cards dalemiani are very strong. Franceschini if \u200b\u200belected not ever take away the citizens right to vote in the primaries, pride of the PD, this is unique in Europe. Bersani
not vote because he wants to move the Democratic Party left. He wants to return largely to DS and make alliances with the new center of Casini and Montezemolo forcing the exit of many moderate PD. If so I wonder what we did to make the party? could stay at 16% of the Left Democrats and 10% of the Margherita. This scheme provides for electoral reform German-style proportional where the new center will be the balance of power and we risk being in opposition for 35 years. It 'clear that in certain conditions Casini if \u200b\u200bit will always choose the right, as it always has. Franceschini idea of \u200b\u200ba coalition that includes a bipolar system in which the leader of the largest party of the grid becomes Prime Minister. With the idea of \u200b\u200bBersani, you suddenly at the time of DC in which prime ministers were not nominated by the voters but by the parties after the vote. Bersani with the secretary of the PD papabile premier would even Casini Enrico Letta. Bersani is back with a contentious coalitions and transformed. Franceschini believes in a majority Democratic Party in that vocation does not mean of course self-sufficient. But he has the ambition to think the Democratic Party around 30-35% which could form an alliance with IDV, Left and Freedom, socialists, radicals and a center piece at that point would be weakened bargaining power of that which, if he wins Bersani, would be the tombstone for the aspirations of the Government of the Democratic Party.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Sample Permission To Travel

handbook PD Primary voting abroad

for residents abroad temporary or otherwise, even not inscribed AIRE, and 'can vote up internet per le primarie del PD il prossimo 25 ottobre .

non e' necessaria alcuna appartenenza , militanza o iscrizione al partito . basta avere 16 anni , un indirizzo email e un cellulare . non si pagano neanche i 2 euro richiesti in italia . e' semplicissimo !

ricordo and that 'need register on the site within and beyond the for October 23 receive a PIN the days of vote.

Fastest Point And Shoot 2010

Cursed suitcase!

Mi muovo lenta. Un peso invisibile è legato alle mie caviglie. Mi affaccio fuori, l'aria è fresca, un raggio di sole regala un leggero brivido lungo la schiena. Casa è vuota,sono sola e ascolto musica. Sbaglio canzoni evidentemente , non hanno l'effetto voluto. Una telefonata indesiderata mi ha disturbato ulteriormente . Detesto certi atteggiamenti del cazzo. Sono in attesa di qualcosa che tarda pesantemente ad arrivare. Ci sono delle cose che dovrei fare ma non riesco ad organizzare la mia mente. La confusione è tanta. Ogni aspetto dentro di me porta confusione. Data la mia natura lesionista ho deciso di mettere una canzone in the background, I want to see my reaction. The reaction changes depending on my mood. Today the reaction is of the most devastating. I feel I should say something but I just can not put together a correct thought. I harbor some disappointment in and I find it difficult to deal with them in a positive way. Waiting for the opportune moment to change a few things. I have to change some things, I have to. Never before, a case has attracted so my attention and I was reduced to this state. It 's the first thing I noticed this morning when she wakes up, and my suitcase fucking pack of cigarettes. Stinks of trouble in the air ...
I'm going to make me a hot shower. Maybe I will feel better.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Synyster Gates Hairstyle

A bonus to us!

Abbiamo ricevuto un nuovo, graditissimo premio ... una sorpresa che vogliamo condividere con voi!! Ce lo conferisce (che verbo altisonante) webmaster dal suo bel blog di cucina vegetariana

Ecco le regole da seguire affinchè questo loghino continui a girare:

Regole base:

1. Citare il blog di chi ha passato il premio;
2. Elencare dieci blog meritevoli del premio;
3. Rivelare ai lettori dieci cose che non sanno di te/voi.

Ecco dunque i 10 blog che seguiamo o che ogni tanto ci vengono a fare un salutino

Cuoca felice
Cuoca pasticciona
Cioccolato e vaniglia
Okki di gatta
La diviiiiiina Miss V
Le pappe di Alessandra
Lady Cocca
Ape felice

Le 10 cose su di noi

1. Siamo amiche praticamente da sempre, ci siamo plasmate a vicenda in some things and for a process of osmosis, we share passions and intolerance radical! We come from a village field even though both were born abroad: one in the U.S. and one in Australia ..... we are currently planted in Emilia Romagna for work.

2. We love animals, all but uncontrollable phobia to cockroaches and scorpions ... We have chosen to share this 60 square meters apartment with two cats (Ciccio and Genny that "the pucci") and a guinea pig (Amalia said Amy)

3. We love men ... of the "cattle" even though Marianna propane or rather rude ...." rough / rude "and Rita lingering gender angelic / wardrobe

4. We have developed a strong intolleranza verso l'uomoconcollettodellacamiciaodellapoloalzato ...è una vera invasione! Proporremmo una campagna anti colletto alzato o che qualcuno almeno ci venga a dire uno o due buoni motivi che spieghino la ragione di questa scelta stilistica!

5. Siamo contro ogni tipo di intolleranza, odiamo tutte le frasi fatte, e quelli della serie "io sono meglio di te"

6. Amiamo lo stile dark: una protende più verso uno stile fetish/dark e l'altra più newwave/dark.

7. Appassionate di musica e di cinema (passiamo da cose "pesantissime" a film trashissimi), negli anni abbiamo messo insieme una bella collezione di cd e dvd. Una ha una passione smisurata per i Cure/Bauhaus/Joy Division e l'altra for Battiato / Massive Attack / Tool and worship together, Depeche Mode, The Smiths and Indie music in general. On the film can not help but look at regular intervals The Big Lebowski, Vacations in America, and fever.

8. We laugh to release some light on statements made photoshoppata and useless and trivial ... and television broadcasting so fake, so fake, but to have the charm of the worst picture story.

9. In women's magazines a stylish look especially the shoes the other bags ...

10. We love going to restaurants, discover new tastes ... and eat without restraint, with the excuse deliciously feminine "enough so that a week of yogurt and vegetable soup to get back into shape!