Tuesday, February 17, 2009

White Cm Just Before Menstruation

Judgement Court of Milan: David Mills Sentenced . He was bribed by Mr Berlusconi

Nel giorno Veltroni announced the resignation due to the heavy defeat of the Democratic Party in Sardinia, there 'a sensational news that flake off any government in a democratic and civilized country. However, it is clear, I do not feel to say the same for the Latin American dictatorships and South-East Asia.

lawyer Mills' was found guilty of having been bribed by Mr Berlusconi to give false testimony, for the modest sum of $ 600,000. Obviously the prime minister because of the law-Alfano Shame (voted precisely in view of this ruling) can not 'be tried, but in a normal country should be politically discredited and destroyed. I bet it will not be 'so'?

Italy ormai non e’ un Paese normale e quello che fa rabbia e’ che gli italiani, miei con-cittadini, continuano a votare il silvio nazionale con percentuali bulgare…almeno fino a ieri.
Ricordo che anche Previti e’ stato condannato in via definitiva per aver corrotto dei giudici nel processo Mondadori per salvare il suo capo, e chi senno'?

l'Italia e' un Paese allo sbando? La maggioranza degli italiani e’ veramente lobotomizzata dalla propaganda mediatica del premier?

Dal PD mi aspetto piu' facce giovani e pulite e che 'sta volta tiri fuori gli attributi. Giochi il tutto per tutto in vista delle Europee, usando se necessario questa sentenza come una clava contro il suo avversario, perche' dialogue with the Cayman does not pay.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Bring Alcohol Into Dublin

Eluana exploited

Life and Death of Eluana opened a confrontation in society 'Italian that I see on the side opposite opinion while respecting the secular and Catholic.
What I do not agree and 'the manipulation that has made the policy. Using a vulnerable body, that can not 'reply to a wretched struggle for power.

am amazed and incredulous as to directly Berlusconi, to whom I thought no surprise 'of anything, is roughly sealed on the matter of intimate human tragedy and unscrupulous as he tried to use it. For a shrewd seller an opportunity to re-conquer the part of Catholics, many in Italy, opposed to any form of sweet death, euthanasia and living wills was too greedy. Unfortunately I see a clear political and electoral strategy. It is once more ', which strongly opposes the work of the President of the Council are disgusted.
Berlusconi and 'allowed to walk on a final ruling of the Supreme Court, to discredit Napolitano forced to reject the bill because' clearly unconstitutional. And arrogance is wearing surreal crimes and found the father and the family of Eluana real victims suffering from this whole affair. You and 'allowed to blackmail Beppino Englaro assimilating it to a murderess and giving advice (for purchases) on how a loving father should have acted. Berlusconi cynically think that part of believers and that 'the bulk of the electorate still floating Italian and that makes the difference between victory and defeat in politics. It 'clearly concerned about the increasingly critical' insistence of the Catholic world for the racist law on immigrants to the polls and they see the white vote to move the Northern League el'UDC. But time is exaggerated. There is still a time when the thirst for victory and exit the pool must be put aside. A head of government of a modern democracy and the rule of law must not go on television to say that Eluana might even children with the sole purpose of capturing the audience emotionally e il Paese.
Che ne pensate? Avete opinioni al riguardo?

Saturday, February 7, 2009

3 Wheeled Scooter 1500cc

"read the leaflet"

I have a headache. I tried to resist. Impossible. So I open the huge medicine cabinet and pull out a classic analgesic. A sip of water and swallow the pill. Pending the full effect, I think of the various advertising of medicines on television and particularly odious little voice that speaks quickly hurry to finish: blah, blah, blah, blah ... read the leaflet carefully! Ok. .. I read the leaflet, of course I run straight to the paragraph side effects! Let's see ... the side effects of the Moment:
Skin Effects: erythema, pruritus, urticaria. Blistering reactions including Stevens-Johnson Syndrome and Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis .
Gastrointestinal: peptic ulcers, perforation or gastrointestinal bleeding, sometimes fatal (sometimes fatal ???), especially in the elderly. Were found sense of indigestion, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, flatulence, constipation, dyspepsia, abdominal pain, melena , haematemesis, ulcerative stomatitis, exacerbation of colitis and Crohn's disease .
Cardiovascular effects: in associazione al trattamento con i FANS (farmaci anti-infiammatori non steroidei)sono stati riportati edema,ipertensione e insufficienza cardiaca...associate ad un modesto aumento del rischio di attacco cardiaco o ictus.
Ora....chiamarli "effetti indesiderati" mi sembra riduttivo nonché ridicolo! Ovvio che un ulcera o una perforazione gastrointestinale è indesiderata!! Perciò,per farmi passare un mal di testa corro dei rischi,seppur minimi,di farmi venire une delle cose qui sopra scritte. Ottimo.
Nel mentre che leggevo e scrivevo,il mal di testa è sparito. Per il momento non avverto nessun effetto indesiderato...

Monday, February 2, 2009

Striped Dolfin Shorts

Opzione San Valentino...

Non mi dilungo troppo,perciò se per S.Valentino have not made plans or are still undecided, the Convent of Santa Croce is a feasible idea. I was there last year and I found myself very well. Excellent food and hospitality. For more information see here .